Municipal Fiscal Powers & Functions Act

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Municipal Fiscal Powers and Functions Act (Act 12 of 2007)

The Municipal Fiscal Powers and Functions Act (Act 12 of 2007) gives effect to sections 229(1)(b) and 229(2) of the Constitution and is one of the final building blocks in the creation of a regulatory framework to coordinate macroeconomic tax policy objectives across all three spheres of government. The Act took effect on 7 September 2007.

In 2003, the Provincial Tax Regulation Process Act was enacted, setting out the framework for provincial taxes; the Municipal Fiscal Powers and Functions Act sets out a similar framework for local government

Who is affected by the Act?

The Act has a direct impact and places various responsibilities on all municipalities. It also has indirect or ad hoc implications for other local government stakeholders, such as SALGA, the Financial and Fiscal Commission and sector departments regulating municipal services, such as the Department of Minerals and Energy, the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, and the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism. For example, the National Electricity Regulator will need to review its current regulatory processes to exclude the surcharge component which currently forms part of the electricity reticulation tariff – that is, the tariff should only regulate the ‘base tariff’, as soon as regulations are issued to prescribe norms and surcharges on electricity reticulation services.

What are the immediate implications for municipalities?

If municipalities are considering the introduction of any new municipal tax, they must comply with the process prescribed in section 5 of the Act. In respect of existing municipal taxes, they must put in place a process to identify all taxes currently levied or imposed, after which they must apply for the continued imposition of the tax in terms of section 12 of the Act. In respect of surcharges, municipalities must ensure that surcharges on municipal services are affordable and reasonable, are set through a transparent process and are disclosed in accordance with section 75A of the Municipal Systems Act. Once the norms and standards for surcharges have been prescribed, municipalities must also comply with them.

When can a new municipal tax be introduced?

A municipality, group of municipalities, SALGA and/or the Minister of Finance (on his/her own accord) may apply for the introduction of a new municipal tax in terms of section 5 of the Act. A municipality may introduce a new municipal tax only after the Minister of Finance has:

•The Municipal Fiscal Powers and Functions Act is one of the final building blocks in the creation of a regulatory framework to coordinate the macro-economic tax policy objectives across all three spheres of government.

• The Act aims to promote predictability, certainty and transparency in respect of municipal fiscal powers and functions.

• It seeks to ensure that these powers and functions are exercised in a manner that will not materially and unreasonably prejudice national economic policies and economic activities across municipal boundaries.

• Municipalities must ensure that any existing taxes and surcharges comply with the requirements of the Act within two years.


Purpose of the Act

The Act gives effect to sections 229(1)(b) and 229(2) of the Constitution and is one of the last building blocks in the process of creating a regulatory framework that will facilitate proper coordination of macro-economic tax policy objectives across all spheres of government.

The purpose of the Act is to promote predictability, certainty and transparency in respect of municipal fiscal powers and functions and to ensure that these powers and functions are exercised in a manner that will not materially and unreasonably prejudice national economic policies, economic activities across municipal boundaries, or the national mobility of goods, services, capital or labour.

What does the Act cover?
The Act regulates, in terms of the framework prescribed in terms of section 229 of the Constitution, municipal taxes (other than rates on property) and surcharges on municipal services.

Who is affected by the Act?
The Act has a direct impact and places various responsibilities on all municipalities (category A, category B and category C municipalities). The Act also has indirect and/or ad hoc implications for other local government stakeholders, such as organised local government, the Financial Fiscal Commission (FFC) and sector departments regulating municipal services.

What are the immediate implications of the Act for municipalities?
If a municipality intends to introduce a new tax, such a municipality must comply with the process as prescribed in section 5 of the Act (see section 5 link).In respect of municipal taxes that existed prior to the Act, with the exception of rates on property, submit an application on such taxes to the Minister of Finance/National Treasury by 07 September 2009 (see section 12 link).As soon as norms and standards for surcharges have been prescribed by the Minister of Finance, municipalities must comply therewith (see section 8 link).

All enquiries and requests for information should be forwarded to the MFPFA helpline details below:

Postal: Private Bag X115
Phone: 012 395 6579
Fax: 012 315 5045


MFMA > Legislation > Municipal Fiscal Powers and Functions Act (MFPFA)

 MFPFA The Act(525kb)

 MFPFA Regulations and Gazettes  No regulations or gazettes have been issued in terms of the Act at this stage. 

 MFPFA Circulars MFPFA Circular No. 1: Introduction to the Municipal Fiscal Powers and Functions Act No. 12 of 2007(64kb)MFPFA Circular No. 2: Verification of Municipal Taxes that existed prior to the introduction of the Municipal Fiscal Powers and Functions Act No.12 of 2007(229kb)

Section 12 : Verification of Municipal taxes

Section 229 of the Constitution introduced the regulatory framework on municipal fiscal powers and functions. All municipal taxes accordingly need to comply with the regulatory framework as contained in various pieces of national legislation. Municipal property rates are regulated through the Local Government: Municipal Property Rates Act whilst all other municipal taxes are regulated through the Municipal Fiscal Powers and Functions Act (MFPFA). As a comprehensive list of all municipal taxes did not exist prior to the introduction of the MFPFA, legislative provision was made in the Act that such taxes be verified within two years after enactment of the MFPFA, i.e. by 7 September 2009.

Section 12 of the MFPFA requires that all municipalities apply to the Minister of Finance to approve any taxes that they levied prior to enactment of the Act, other than property rates, the former RSC levies and any surcharges on user charges/tariffs that it levied prior to the Act (surcharges will be regulated through norms and standards in terms of section 8 of the Act).

Should a municipality have any taxes (other than property rates and surcharges on a user charge/tariff) and no application is made by a municipality to the Minister of Finance to continue imposing taxes that existed prior to the Act, such municipal taxes will automatically lapse on 7 September 2009. Should the Minister of Finance not approve the continuation of a municipal tax, such municipal tax will lapse six months after the Minister’s notification.

Questionnaire in Excel format(2,943kb)Annexure A(65kb)Annexure B(32kb)Timeframes(190kb)

Section 5 : New Taxes

Who can apply for a new municipal tax?

A municipality, group of municipalities, organised local government and/or the Minister of Finance on his or her own accord may apply for the introduction of a new municipal tax in terms of section 5 of the Act.

When can this application be made?
This section became effective from the commencement of the Act, namely on 7 September 2007. A municipality, group of municipalities or organised local government may, as and when it deems it appropriate, make an application for the authorisation of a new municipal tax or taxes, subject that the process prescribed in section 5 of the Act is complied with.

What is the process to be followed?

The Act prescribes for the process and procedure necessary for a municipality, group of municipality and organised local government to apply for the introduction of a new tax, levy or duty in a manner that allows for the National Treasury/Minister of Finance to evaluate an application for consistency with national economic policy and other constitutional requirements.

The application process and procedure are set out in sections 4, 5 and 8 of the Act.

When can a new municipal tax be introduced by a municipality?

A municipality may introduce a new municipal tax only after the Minister of Finance has –
notified the municipality, group of municipalities or organised local government and the Minister responsible for local government in writing of his or her approval of the municipal tax in respect of which an application was submitted; and prescribed regulations regarding the imposition and administration of a municipal tax or taxes. The regulations will inter alia determine the date from which the municipal tax may be imposed (which date must coincide with the start of a municipal financial year), the collecting agent of such tax, the tax base as well as any limitations placed on such tax (section 6 of the Act).

Section 8 : Norms and Standards
Still under development.

Still under development.
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