Municipal Compliance Management

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Compliance Management

National Treasury of South Africa requires that municipalities should ensure that they comply with laws and regulations. Being compliant can improve financial viability, service delivery, etc.

Municipalities however face various challenges which include:

  • Believe that they are over regulated and that they cannot keep-up with all the requirements
  • Latest legislative requirements and one reference site to research all the legislative requirements
  • Compliance audits do not highlight all the areas of non-compliance
  • Risk of qualified audit opinions due to non-compliance
  • Treasury has provided many tools and training to assist with compliance and measurement of the level of compliance

Our experienced team provides the requisite skills that includes the following options:

  • Compliance and audit readiness assessments
  • Establishment of the compliance profile of a municipality based on functions and services provided
  • Allocation of compliance responsibilities to municipal staff linked to timeframes, events, reminders for staff and reporting
  • Advice based on experience and good practices.
Municipalities are able to deploy and implement web-based compliance systems which are readily available in South Africa that can translate municipal standard operating procedures (SOP), Budget and IDP process maps, by-laws and policies into an electronic reminder and compliance reporting module.

CLICK HERE TO SEE TOOL KIT FROM AGSA – Auditor-General South Africa (AGSA) and the South African Local. Government Association (SALGA)

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