Good Samaritan will undertake activities aimed at combating administrative corruption, maladministration, fruitless and wasteful expenditure, ensure consequence management for government and municipal officials who fail to act in accordance within their course and scope of their terms of employment / oath of office.
Good Samaritan will address failure by government and municipal officials to enforce the law and/or municipal by-laws and to address the issue of poor service delivery and to eradicate corruption in so far as it relates to government and municipal officials. Officials pleading ignorance of the law can not be condoned.
“Corruption becomes systemic when corrupt activity begins to appear at all levels within a political system and when it becomes repetitious, constituting a parallel set of procedures to those which properly constitute the formal functions of the bureaucracy.”
- Tom Lodge
What is fruitless and wasteful expenditure?
PFMA defines fruitless and wasteful expenditure as “expenditure which was made in vain and would have been avoided had reasonable care been taken.